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Turn Back the Clock With Skin Rejuvenation

Turn Back the Clock With Skin Rejuvenation

Aging causes lots of changes, and that includes changes to your skin. As you get older, wrinkles, folds, sagging skin, and dark spots all become more common, making you look older than you feel — and older than you want to look.

At Brunswick Internal Medicine Group, Inderjit Singh Kainth, MD, helps patients enjoy fresher, more beautiful skin with skin rejuvenation using the state-of-the-art Alma Harmony® laser system. Here’s how this cutting-edge technology can help you enjoy a more youthful complexion and greater confidence, too.

Why skin changes as you age

From the moment you’re born, your skin is continually exposed to the sun, wind, and other environmental elements, along with dirt, pollutants, and germs. It’s not surprising that as you age, all of those factors come together to make skin look and feel older. In fact, sun exposure is responsible for about 90% of the visible signs of skin aging.

But those aren’t the only issues that contribute to skin’s changes as you get older. Your body produces less collagen and elastin, two components that help skin look and feel plump and resilient when you’re young. Age causes production of both collagen and elastin to decline, making skin thinner, weaker, and more prone to wrinkles and lines.

Smoking, poor diet, acne, and even your genetics play roles in skin aging, too. By the time you reach middle age, your skin can wind up looking and feeling older and more worn than you’d like.

In addition to wrinkles, many people are left with uneven skin tone and texture, along with sagging and hyperpigmentation, dark spots that instantly age your skin and your overall appearance.

Alma Harmony for more beautiful skin

This innovative skin rejuvenation system uses several types of light therapy in a single device to treat different layers of skin and various types of skin damage. In fact, the system has been cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration to treat more than 130 skin concerns and conditions, including skin changes associated with aging.

With multiple delivery systems and different light wavelengths, Alma Harmony enables our team to truly customize your treatment based on your skin’s needs and your goals. 

Collagen and elastin

When you’re young, your skin produces plenty of both of these proteins, giving skin its resilient, elastic qualities, along with its firmness. But as you age, you produce far less collagen and elastin, leading to sagging, weak skin, wrinkles, and folds.

Alma Harmony helps promote collagen and elastin development by targeting the deeper layers of skin where the key proteins are produced. By creating tiny microinjuries below the skin’s surface, Alma Harmony’s laser energy triggers the development of elastin and collagen fibers — part of skin’s healing process. The result is skin that looks and feels firmer, smoother, and more youthful.

Uneven skin tone and texture

Age spots, areas of discoloration, and rough, dry skin can quickly make skin look worn, tired, and dull. Alma Harmony promotes skin turnover, breaking apart pigmented cells and revealing healthier skin beneath. It can even help decrease the appearance of enlarged pores.

Spider veins and broken capillaries

Skin tone and texture aren’t the only age-related changes in your complexion. Many people notice an increase in tiny spider veins or broken capillaries associated with rosacea or lifestyle habits such as smoking. Alma Harmony uses laser energy to close up tiny, damaged veins, reducing redness and improving the overall appearance of your skin.

Scars, including acne scars

Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, and for many people, that means being left with unattractive scars. Alma Harmony helps reduce or eliminate scars by breaking up tough scar tissue while promoting healthy skin renewal, for skin that’s softer and smoother.

Restore more youthful, more beautiful skin

Completely noninvasive, Alma Harmony uses no incisions or anesthesia, and downtime afterward is minimal — in fact, you can resume most of your daily activities right away. 

To learn more about the Alma Harmony system and how it can help you enjoy a more youthful, healthier-looking complexion, request an appointment online or over the phone today with Dr. Kainth and the team at Brunswick Internal Medicine Group in South Brunswick, Kendall Park, and Metuchen, New Jersey.

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